Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus - male |
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus - female |
Harriers going to roost |
Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus |
Reedbed kingdom by the river Isonzo/Soča. In the distance the rocky coast west of Trieste with the Karst plateau above it and the Trnovski gozd mountain range in the far back. |
Mt. Triglav in the distance (highest mountain in Slovenia) |
Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica |
Even if the weather looked promising for something else, today I ventured to the coastal wetlands with a couple of friends. It was a nice, almost wind-less and partly sunny day, but with not many highlights. Birds of note were mainly reedbed-based: 3
MOUSTACHED WARBLERS Acrocephalus melanopogon at Lisert (showing well), Penduline Tits
Remiz pendulinus (+20 tot), Reed Buntings
Emberiza schoeniclus, Water Rails
Rallus aquaticus (+10) and tons of Cetti's Warblers
Cettia cetti. We looked hard for Bearded Tit in several places, but without success. In the evening we had a nice
Circus spectacle at Caneo (river Isonzo/Soča estuary) where up to 10
Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus (5 m & 5 f) and 7-8 Marsh Harriers
Circus aeruginosus (both sexes) gathered in the vast reedbed roost. At dusk two or three owls flew briefly in front of our car's headlights, most probably
Long-eared Owls Asio otus.
On the sea at Lisert also a
Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata and 2 days ago at Miramare 2
Black-throated Divers Gavia arctica (above).