Friday, 9 May 2014

First Goatsuckers

Nightjar (Goatsucker) Caprimulgus europaeus - taken on the Karst in 2012
Goatsuckers have returned on the Karst. Yesterday night I went owling and heard at least 4 singing Nightjars, one of which also showed briefly in flight. Owling was productive with 1 Tawny Owl seen (female) and no less than 7 Scops Owls heard singing in the course of the evening. Interesting was the night migration of Med Gulls which were heard calling overhead several times.
On Wednesday I also had my first Honey Buzzard of the year - spotted from home as it was migrating over the sea.
Ć kocjanski zatok NR is now getting quieter. Great Reed and Reed Warblers are a common sight (singing everywhere over the freshwater marsh). Yesterday during a short walk I also heard a Sedge and a Marsh Warbler. Common Terns are nesting in the lagoon, together with Black-winged Stilts, Common Redshanks and Little Ringed Plovers. Also saw a cinereocapilla Yellow Wagtail and a few Wood Sandpipers, but nothing much.