A pale-throated Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica |
This afternoon I checked again Campo carri and was surprised to find a
BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR... Surprised because this was a pale-throated bird and thus not of of those seen yesterday (see previous post). So yet a third bird! The above pic is a phone-scoping attempt in too strong light. The situation was otherwise calmer, with just another male
Wheatear around. New for the year this time was a
Tawny Pipit. Still some Swallows passing overhead plus usual commoner breeding birds already reported yesterday.
A good record was that of two separate flocks of
Curlew migrating high in the sky, going north-east. In total I estimated about 350 birds. They were quite vocal - otherwise I would have easily missed them.
This afternoon on the Karst I also had my first
CUCKOO of the year which was quite cool to hear again.