Saturday 31 December 2016

2016 - the very best of

2016 has been amazing. In this post is a selection of my favourite moments. I didn't need to go far to see beautiful things; most of the photos below were made locally: in and around Slovenia. Forget far-away exotic dreams, there's wilderness in Europe too!

Mt. Krn (2244 m), Julian Alps, January 2016.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius
Cerkniško jezero, January 2016.
The main focus of my researches this year (see here).
Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria
Karst edge, March 2016 
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Erythronium dens-canis
Slovenian Karst, March 2016.
Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus
Monfalcone (Italy), March 2016.
Fritillaria meleagris
Krakovski gozd, March 2016.
Black Stork Ciconia nigra
Krakovski gozd, March 2016.
Wildcat Felis silvestris
Krakovski gozd, April 2016.
Scopolia carniolica
Kočevje, April 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos (ssp. lilfordi), 
Kočevje, April 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Fritillaria orientalis
Italian Karst, April 2016.
Narcissus poeticus (ssp. radiiflorus), 
Slovenian Karst, April 2016.
Me inside a cave in the Notranjska region, April 2016 
(photo: Alex Hyde).
Leptodirus hochenwartii
Notranjska region, April 2016. 
Endemic cave beetle of Slovenia and north-east Italy.
Morimus funereus
Slovenian Karst, April 2016.
Paeonia officinalis
Slovenian Karst, April 2016.
Orchis simia
Slovenian Karst, April 2016.
Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis
Nanos, May 2016 
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus (ssp. alpinus), 
Javorniki, May 2016.
Selfie with the Three-toed, Javorniki, May 2016.
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), May 2016. 
Best wildlife trip of my life - full report.
European Bison Bison bonasus
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), May 2016
Full report.
Watching European Bison, 
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), May 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich)
Full report.
Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus (ssp. tridactylus), 
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), May 2016
Full report.
Birding Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), May 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich)
Full report.
Cypripedium calceolus
Biebrza marshes (Poland), May 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Elk Alces alces
Biebrza marshes (Poland), May 2016.
Camberwell beauty Nymphalis antiopa
Biebrza marshes (Poland), May 2016.
Lilium carniolicum
Vremščica, June 2016.
Roller Coracias garrulus
Mirna river valley (Croatia), June 2016.
Ural Owl Strix uralensis
Central Slovenia, June 2016.
My work colleague filming the sunrise over Cerknica lake, June 2016.  
This was an unusual, but interesting job - assisting in the making of a nature film throughout summer and autumn. Based mostly in the Notranjska region, filming rare animals, plants, landscapes & more.
Ural Owl Strix uralensis
Central Slovenia, June 2016. 
Following a breeding pair near a nestbox gave me excellent opportunities to witness seldom-seen behaviour, like the above adult bringing a vole to a fledged juvenile.
Cephalanthera rubra
Trenta valley - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Mt. Jalovec - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta
Mt. Mangart - Julian Alps, July 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Epipogium aphyllum
Trenta valley - Julian Alps, July 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria
Julian Alps, July 2016.
Drosera rotundifolia
Pokljuka plateau - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Nose-horned Viper Vipera ammodytes
Breginjski Stol - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Leontopodium alpinum
Breginjski Stol - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Stemmacantha rhapontica
Breginjski Stol - Julian Alps, July 2016.
Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca
Breginjski Stol - Julian Alps, July 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Spiranthes aestivalis
Bloško polje, July 2016.
Great Capricorn Beetle Cerambyx cerdo
Slovenian Karst, July 2016.
Brown Bear Ursus arctos (trail camera), 
Slovenian Karst, August 2016.
Mt. Triglav, Julian Alps, August 2016.
Campanula zoysii
Mt. Krn - Julian Alps, August 2016.
Sunrise from Mt. Krn, Julian Alps, August 2016.
Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis
Mt. Krn - Julian Alps, August 2016.
Geranium argenteum
Mt. Krn - Julian Alps, August 2016.
Armeria alpina
Mt. Krn - Julian Alps, August 2016.
Aquilegia iulia
Mt. Krn - Julian Alps, August 2016.
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos
Snežnik, August 2016.
Peacock butterfly Inachis io on Telekia speciosa
Trnovski gozd, August 2016.
Brown Bear Ursus arctos
Snežnik forests, August 2016. 
Unforgettable evening with 3 different Bears on a glade, under a shining full moon!
Predatory Bush Cricket Saga pedo
Italian Karst, September 2016.
Ural Owl Strix uralensis
Snežnik forests, September 2016.
Red Deer Cervus elaphus
Snežnik forests, September 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius
Slovenian Karst, October 2016. 
A bird discovered at a new locality on the Karst in autumn.
European Bison Bison bonasus,  
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), October 2016.
Second round in Poland - full report.
White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos (ssp. leucotos), 
Białowieża primeval forest (Poland), October 2016
(photo: Sara Cernich).
Full report.
Filming documentary at Predjama castle, October 2016.
Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria
Predjama castle, October 2016.
Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum
Pokljuka plateau - Julian Alps, November 2016.
Oak woodland, 
Trieste (Italy), November 2016.
Marbled Trout Salmo marmoratus
Ajdovščina, December 2016.
Local patch, Slovenian Karst, December 2016.

The very best shots from 2016 are also in my photogallery
& videos on my Youtube channel.