Saturday, 26 October 2013

Autumn wildflowers

Colchicum autumnale - Karst
Aethionema saxatile - Karst
Allium montanum - Mt. Nanos
Satureja montana - Karst
Carlina acaulis - Mt. Vremščica
Gentiana asclepiadea - Trnovski gozd
Gentiana pneumonanthe - Cerkniško jezero
Echinops ritro subsp. ruthenicus - Mt. Kavčič
Linum tenuifolium - Karst
Campanula pyramidalis - local patch
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria - local patch
It's all quite dull at the moment, especially bird and weather-wise, so here's a botanical post to liven up the situation. A selection of wildflowers took at the end of September, mostly in Slovenia, on the Karst.