Wednesday 11 December 2013

Magic repeats at Cerkniško jezero

Two of the three Long-tailed Ducks one should be
Few words can be said for today's birding on the Cerknica lake (Cerkniško jezero). Simply magic... as always! Found 3 LONG-TAILED DUCKS on the lake itself (national rarity) in the company of Goldeneyes (26), Tufted Ducks (25), Pochards (2), Wigeons, Teals, Shovelers, but mostly Mallards. Few seconds after setting eyes on the Long-tailed Ducks, a flock of 70-100 COMMON CRANES called loudly overhead, as they migrated S. Other birds seen around the lake included White-fronted Goose (only heard, passing overhead), +30 Fieldfares, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Peregrine, Siskin, Coal & Willow Tit, Black Woodpecker, and Raven.
An obligatory stop on Planinsko polje produced two delightful DIPPERS (the above bird was very obliging).
By the way... last year, same day - found this. No more words.