Tuesday 16 July 2013

Karstlife in summer

Had a stroll on a karstic grassland near Sežana this evening and saw a couple of birds including 6 Red-backed Shrikes (above), 3 Hoopoes (flushed from the woodland's border), 1 Melodious Warbler, 1 pale-morph male Honey Buzzard, 2 Alpine Swifts, 2 Corn Buntings and 6 Skylarks.
Also some interesting plants were around. Here's a couple of pics (can't resist...the botany side's too strong):
Today's highlight (yes, it's a grass): Chrysopogon gryllus
Chrysopogon gryllus
Allium carinatum
Allium sphaerocephalon
Allium sphaerocephalon
Centaurea cristata

Eryngium amethystinum