I didn't have much time to be in the field in the last few days. This afternoon I ventured out with a couple of friends and spent some time around the Karst on both sides of the border. We also checked the Barred Warbler site and confirmed there are now at least 2 singing males hodling two different territories. The birds are easily observed in the bushy areas, especially when the male is singing on the top of low trees. The song is usually quite short, but their dry rattling calls are more obviuos. A pair of birds was particularly showy today; chasing each other around the place and showing well out in the open (both sexes in a scope view!).
A few shots of the male bird:
Apart from that we had some entertainment with other common birds (Skylark, Woodlark, Common Whitethroat, Red-backed Shrike, Corn Bunting ect.) plus a singing Quail, 2 Hoopoes (one in the local village giving excellent views), a flock of migrating BEE-EATERS (+5 birds) and a singing Common Redstart (male perched on a walnut in the village). Other birds seen on different sites around the Karst included also Cirl Bunting, Yellowhammer, Stonechat and Melodious Warbler. The flowering meadows with lots of butterflies and other insects were also very attractive to photograph - see pics below. We also managed to find a few orchids (last three pics) including Orchis ustulata and Gymnadenia conopsea.
Orchis ustulata:
Gymnadenia conopsea: